Zulip chat realm request

You can request a new Zulip chat realm using this form.

Please read the instructions at https://wiki.aalto.fi/display/OPIT/Zulip before requesting a chat instance.

Basic details

Aalto email is required. You will be asked to confirm the email address after filling this form

You will be responsible for the chat realm

Max 40 characters

This will be the title of your chat realm. It is shown e.g. on the chat login page.

This will be part of the URL https://<realm-id>.zulip.aalto.fi. Use only lowercase alphabets (a-z), dashes (-) and numbers (0-9). It is good to check beforehand that the chat realm at https://<realm-id>.zulip.aalto.fi does not exist already

It is recommended to include the course year in the Realm id. This avoids URL conflicts with existing chat realms from previous year

Shorter URLs are usually better

Example: programming-fall-2022

Select the purpose of this chat realm. Select the Course option only if you are the course instructor or other staff responsible for the course arrangements.

Course details

Options here are only for course chat realms


You can set a custom expiration date for the chat realm here if you wish. Chat instances will be deactivated after the expiration, and deleted permanently within 2 months from the expiration. Chat owner(s) will be sent a notice and a link for extension 2 weeks prior to the expiration

Course chat realms

Course chat realms expire, at latest, after a year from the beginning of the course period. It is possible to lengthen this by 3 months if needed. Further extensions are not currently possible (we cannot store student chat messages and personal data in Zulip indefinitely).

Staff chat realms

Staff chat realms will be set to expire after half a year by default. You can set a custom date up to a year from now. Realms can be extended as long as it has a responsible owner at Aalto University.


Feedback, comments and wishes. We will read any comments and feedback, but cannot neccessarily respond or fulfill all wishes. For anything critical, you should contact myteachingsupport@aalto.fi